Updated Draft Design Guidelines

For the latest updates on the HWDM Design Guidelines, please click here.

The February 2nd, 2022 Working Draft of the Design Guidelines is linked here and reflects feedback and edits shared at the January 26th, 2022 Steering Committee. Recommendation by the Steering Committee is being sought only for pages 01-40, which includes the opening sections and Chapter 1 on Mixed Use Commercial District. The Transitional District and Railroad Avenue District require more time, and thus we are concentrating efforts on the first 40-pages.

Draft Design Guidelines: 2022-02-02

To assist with review, primary edits reflected include:

  • Global: Grammar and spelling addressed
  • Global: “Bulkhead” replaced with “Kneewall”
  • Page 6: Clarifies guidelines apply only to new construction; not existing development.
  • Page 7: Added matrix of development tools that reinforce guidelines and importance of consistent application of tools and guidelines.
  • Page 13: Map updated per comments shared on boundaries.
  • Page 20: Rephrased 2nd bullet on “height of new construction” to be more clear.
  • Page 21: Diagrams added to depict context of adjacent structures / importance of ‘1 story’ rule
  • Page 22: Diagrams added (same point as above)
  • Page 30: Ungrouped bullets to read clearer as stand alone statements and added, “Impact to existing adjacent structures shall be considered and reviewed through drawings, context renderings and material boards.”
  • Page 40:  Added “If property is located adjacent or opposite residential buildings (back to back), attractive rear landscaping / screening per ordinance requirements shall be installed to buffer uses and provide attractive sightlines.”

The presentation and video from the January 26th Steering Committee meeting along with other project materials and minutes can be viewed via the documents page. It is important to reiterate the Draft Design Guidelines also reflect the direction and consensus built from local residents, businesses, and stakeholders via 470 poll/survey responses, 600+ comments, and 25+ hours of discussion (to date) by the Steering Committee. Further, city departments, local institutions, and organizations have been reviewing the draft to ensure recommendations align with other plans, codes, and ordinances. The draft is still undergoing review to incorporate edits and feedback and we look forward to sharing and discussing such at the February 2nd Steering Committee.

Slideshow Spotlight on 2022-02-02 Draft Guidelines